We serve the Appalachian area by…
…providing simple strategies for a hope-filled journey of health and wellness.
Our principles are founded in the belief that everyone is created with a purpose, by God and in his image. We focus on directing mindful changes in small but meaningful ways that lead to big changes and improved quality of life.
Wellness is not the purpose of life, but rather a means of best fulfilling our purpose and leaving the legacy for which we were created.
Mindful purpose is at the heart of everything we do. Life is far more than a list of rules and regulations. Rather, life is to be lived fully - with gratitude and intentionality. Mindful nutrition includes more than just what we eat, but also why, with whom and when we eat. Mindful movement is more than just exercising to complete a requirement, but celebrating our abilities and gifts while maximizing our potential at any given moment in time.
Appalachian culture is often overlooked as an underserved, under-represented group of people.
We are a hard working and industrious culture. Yet, our work ethic often leads us to focus on keeping our nose to the grind stone to provide for those we love - at the expense of our wellness (individually and as a community).
Here at livableYOU, we bridge the gap by providing accessible information, practical application and affordable interventions for whole person wellness.
Combating the unique challenges of our beloved Appalachia (and beyond) starts with reaching individuals where they are in their moment of need and giving them the tools and encouragement needed to seek after their God-given purpose.