Everyday living filled with hope.

Healthy Habits of Worship

Blog Posts




Healthy Habits of Worship

As a living sacrifice, every part of life is an act of worship. Much of what I do is based in habit because that is how I was created. Use habits to transform wasted opportunities into God-honoring moments of worship.

Weekly Bible Verses for Recall

Building Blocks of Wellness

When Life Gets Tough

livableYOU Blog

Enjoy a dose of food-for-thought as we explore little blessings and big lessons from everyday life.

Give it a Try: Things We Love


Books, Podcasts & Other Thinks

Everyday Experts

Practical advice from people who are living hope-filled, healthy lives.

New Episodes Streaming Soon!

Support Health & Hope

livableYOU Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and we appreciate every donation we receive to help spread our positive message about health and living with joy filled purpose. Click the button below to support our efforts.

If you are in a health profession and would like to join our efforts, we would love to have YOU!

To become a Local Representative, review our LRP Affirmation Statement and then let us know that you are on board by completing this form. You will find a list of our current representatives at the bottom of this page.

About livableYOU Inc.

Wellness is not the purpose of life, but rather a means of best fulfilling our purpose and leaving the legacy for which we were created.

Our free online resources give practical steps to start making positive changes in your health the moment you log on.  The principles we share are founded in the belief that everyone is created with a purpose for a purpose by God and in his image. We focus on holistic care that directs intentional changes in small but meaningful ways and lead to an improved and hope-filled life.

Living with intention is at the heart of everything we do.

Life is far more than a list of rules and regulations. Rather, life is to be lived in the fullness of gratitude. Although it is true that in order to eat, move or think well, we must go beyond the idea of quick fixes, it is also true that starting with simple steps and meeting small goals consistently builds confidence. That is the very foundation of hope – confidence in things yet unseen. Here at livableYOU, we want you to know that making a small change for your health matters and that even when we mess it all up, there is grace to get back up again.

Moreover, Appalachian culture is often overlooked as an underserved, under-represented group of people.

We are a hard-working and industrious culture. Yet, our work ethic often leads us to focus on keeping our nose to the grind stone to provide for those we love - at the expense of our wellness (individually and as a community). Here at livableYOU, we bridge the gap from every-day life to leading a hope-filled, healthy life by providing accessible information, practical application and affordable interventions.

We hope you will make yourself at home here and join us as we pursue health that is fueled by hope.

Board of Directors

  • Logan William Murphy, D.O.

    Chair of the Board

  • Kelli Keller, D.O.

    Founder and President

  • Jeremy Keller, D.O.


  • Zach Porter, LPCC-S

    Secretary of the Board

  • Alex Miller

    Chair of Public Relations

Eat Well | Move Well | Think Well